Apr 23, 2009

Map Widget Release

I made a new April resolution to start blogging reguarly again. The first step of that long journey begins now.

OpenStreetMap GPS Mapping Widget - 0.3

I just released v0.3 of osm-gps-map, the easy to use Gtk+ mapping widget. Highlights for this release include;

  • A new major contributor, Alberto Mardegan, who worked on many of the new features of this release. Thanks a lot Alberto!

  • Draw map tracks with Cairo by default.

  • Interpolate between zoom levels while waiting for a tile to download.

  • Stop using GET_PRIVATE, and cache priv* for performance.

  • Keep an extra border of images offscreen for smoother scrolling at the edges of the map.

  • Keep the last N tiles in memory to improve render performance (previously they were loaded from disk)

  • Add some new api; osm_gps_set_center, osm_gps_map_scroll.

Conduit Hacking

Hacking on Conduit continues, with much happyness for two reasons;

  • GNOME has moved to git! Wahoo! I owe the sysadmin team many beers, except for Jc2k who I know could not handle them anyway.

  • Conduit got a SOC project, congratulations Alexandre!

  • Work is ongoing to merge in the new configuration and settings serialization code.

  • More on this later, I promise...